Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Life in Starbucks Chapter 2

Times fly RAPIDLY. Its a month edi in Starbucks Pavilion. Everythings seems to be OK to me but always make a lot of mistake, I HATE THAT!!! Now I can make the beverages without refer to the book recipe and I have learned a lot in these 4 weeks, really appreciate that.. Thanks for all the seniors there and I am so naughty because I always being EMO whenever those seniors pointed out My weaknesses, just like yesterday I really don't know what's the hell wrong with the Whip Cream's xxxxxx what we called that???? (hmm.. Its a stainless steel bottle that squeeze the whip cream out from it and garnish on top of the ice blended beverages in Starbucks.) When I did that on the ice blended beverages, the cream was not in the shape it should have to be,when some of the seniors noticed that they said I was playing with the whipped cream but I was not and really not on that time, I started to being EMO edi. Whenever they asked me, or called me I pretend I never hear and no respond to them because I was really angry that time.

This is me, the real me.

Today I was so embarassing , I went to the store room to get some stuffs since some of the stuff were finished, so need to get it from the store room which is located in the basement car park. You guys know what I did ?? after I packed all the stuffs that need to send up in store room , I put it all the stuffs in one big garbage bag and end up all the stuff fell out especially the milks when on the way to the elevator. sobs.. see.. so "Clever" I am... haiz.. I really beh tahan Myself lorrr... like that also can, put all stuff in one garbage plastic end up........ speachless.. I think You guys also speachless de lorrr horr??

Until here then.. nothing much to talk about edi!!!

Friday, 10 October 2008

Back to College

Almost 3 months staying at home for doing nothing, today was my 1st day back to college again. The college never changed much but the lecturer did changed a lot, Bakery and Pastry no longer teach by Ms Gan and Mr Colin anymore but it's Mr Jaafar and others chef that I don't recognise them because they never teach me before in the practical and there is another new lecturer for the Japanese II , Mr Loo is still teaching but not the whole group anymore as like time, keep on rushing teaching group by group by his own.
Cuts the crap, today was the 1st lecture for Strategic Management in Hospitality Industry,Miss Vivian teaching again and she is a nice lecturer though, today she came to me and offer me a help that she said she'll send the notes she teach me as a references in my resit paper and she also informed Me that this subject's syllabus already changed,will become much more easier I hope , I don't want to resit and resit it again!!! It's waste of money and times. I am so glad that I have a such lecturer like her ,Ms Amanda and Mr Christopher as well. From today onwards will attended lecture with all My Juniors and I am the only one Senior in the lecture, feeling a bit weird for me but never mind I just attend the lecture and no harm for me to studying with them.
But too bad, today Mr Christopher's class was cancelled,can't meet him this week tim.. haiz.. I got this news when I was attending the Maintenance and Engineering lecturer with juniors,hey don't be mistaken k!!! I attending this class just because of I nothing to do while waiting for the next lecture on 4 pm and not to resit this paper because I passed this. This time he teaching the juniors by using text books and notes,the notes is still the same as last year he given to us and 100 no change at all.
Thats all for today,hmm.. I will updates as everyday as I could if possible. It's late night , gotta sleep le.. tada peeps.. CIAOZ!!!

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Life in Starbucks!!!

Sorry peepss!!! for long time never update my blog. I can't online these few days because of the failure of the internet connection but at last I can online now and continue updates my blog again.

This week is my 2nd weeks in Starbucks, working in Pavilion's Starbucks is not that easy as I think because there will be many customers during the weekends and weekdays night, You may notice that most of the customer are foreigners "Ang Mo" and those high class businessman and women. Why so many foreigners and business partners ?? because so many hotels and offices are around around pavilion such as WESTIN, J W MARRIOT, DORSETT , Ritz Carlton and Crowne Plaza where the place was the former KL Hilton last time.

Working in Starbucks must be fast in action,no slow slow action if not You will kena "Shoot" by the customer once you are late in preparing the drink, I did experienced it before, the customner said :" Can You be faster a bit arr ?? so slow one ?" ha!!! that time my face became as red as a the strawberry.. So Paiseh la that time.. aiks..... I wonder why I always do the drinks so slow and my actions are slow too.. haiz... hate that..

Almost 3 weeks I working in starbucks , the staff are not that friendly as I think because of them are Malays and only 2 indians there if I am not mistaken but nevermind, I just do the task they assign to me and the job I should do that's all!!! I don't care, if they be good to me , I can be good to them, if they treat me bad just f***k off!!!! and now I can slowly catch up what I learned from the senior but still need a lot of improvement and I am glad that I'm almost memorize all the recipe of beverages, if not it will be more tention for me because the cafe are busy all the time.

At last, My classes will start at this coming friday and hope that it's a good start for me and wish all the juniors and those who are same batch with me now are studying advance diploma good lucks and BEST OF LUCKS!!!