Friday, 26 October 2007

New Semester ,Semester 5

Wow !!! so fast it is now on semester 5, times goes without waiting for peoples !! Now is the 3rd of the semester 5 and all the subjects looks more complicated than before and more harder than before . At the 1st three weeks the all subjects of the " Assignments" were given to us by all our lecturers... So start from now we will be very very busy , and keep on busy. Why we have to do all those assignments as for our coursework marks ?? why dont we take the assessment as our courswork marks ?? WHY ??
This time the assignments given to us might be more complicated than before even now we have the individual assignment ..that is " Food and Beverage Management" before we start our
assignment for this subject , we must prepare an proposal to start our assignments,I have been rejected by the lecturer for one time but luckily at the second time I have been approved... I am so happy. Thank You for my friends who helping me to find the resourses without you all lend me a hand my proposal wouldn't been approve by my lecturer in a short time.. thanks a lot ...
Now is the time to struggling for all my assignments edi...and I have to be more dicipline..
Wish all My Friends Good Luck In their studies... work hard... Gambatte ..

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

新加坡六日游 !!

在假期的时候,我又到新加坡去探访我的姐姐。哈哈!! 应该是说“打扰”才对。。呵呵 !!
到了那儿,差不多都是我个人到处乱逛因为姐姐都忙着做工,所以就个人去逛逛咯。。 我到新加坡的 Orchard Road " 乌节路 去逛逛。。也去找姐姐吃午餐。。 哈哈,我和他到了他公司下层吃日本餐好久没有吃日本餐了。谢谢'阿姐”我也到回以前我去过的地方。
除此之外,我姐姐也有带我到戏院里看戏啦。这场戏蛮好笑的哦 !! 哈哈。。 而且他也带了我到荷兰村吃这么好的一餐。。谢谢了
在这次的六日游,我很开心。。 可是现在要开学了所以要专心上课和读书了.=)